

Contact the Career Pathways program at the college closest to you!
Arkansas Northeastern College
Location: Blytheville, AR
CPI Director: Isabella Campbell
Phone: 870-762-3162
Email: icampbell@smail.anc.edu
Arkansas State University Beebe
Location: Searcy, AR
CPI Director: Theda Neldon
Phone: 501-207-6243
Email: tlneldon@searcy.asub.edu
Arkansas State University Mid-South
Location: West Memphis, AR
CPI Director: Jeremy Soto
Phone: 870-733-6751
Email: jjsoto@asumidsouth.edu
Arkansas State University Mountain Home
Location: Mountain Home. AR
CPI Director: Laura Yarbrough
Phone: 870-508-6203
Email: lyarbrough@asumh.edu
Arkansas State University - Newport
Location: Newport, AR
CPI Director: Cheryl Cross
Phone: 870-512-7827
Email: Cheryl_cross@asun.edu
Arkansas State University Three Rivers
Location: Malvern, AR
CPI Director: Terral Harper
Phone: 501-332-0256
Email: tharper@ASUTR.edu
Arkansas Tech University - Ozark
Location: Ozark, AR
CPI Director: Jessica Spicer
Phone: 479-508-3347
Email: Jspicer3@atu.edu
Black River Technical College
Location: Pocahontas, AR
CPI Director: Margo Davis
Phone: 870-248-4067
Email: margo.davis@blackrivertech.edu
Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas
Location: DeQueen, AR
CPI Director: Crystal Hunter
Phone: 870-584-1119
Email: chunter@cccua.edu
East Arkansas Community College
Location: Forrest City, AR
CPI Director: Danny Shaull
Phone: 870-633-4480 x 349
Email: dshaull@eacc.edu
National Park College
Location: Hot Springs, AR
CPI Director: Lataschya Harris
Phone: 501-760-4379
Email: Lataschya.harris@np.edu
North Arkansas College
Location: Harrison, AR
CPI Director: Rebecca Martin
Phone: 870-391-3152
Email: rmartin@northark.edu
Northwest Arkansas Community College
Location: Bentonville, AR
CPI Director: Christie Brinsfield
Phone: 479-986-4085
Email: cbrinsfield@nwacc.edu
Ozarka College
Location: Melbourne, AR
CPI Director: Amanda Engelhardt
Phone: 870-368-2041
Email: Amanda.engelhardt@ozarka.edu
Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas
Location: Helena, AR
CPI Director: Kim Rawls
Phone: 870-946-3506 x 1690
Email: krawls@pccua.edu
South Arkansas Community College
Location: El Dorado, AR
CPI Director: LaBreshianna Hicks
Phone: 870-864-8458
Email: lhicks@southark.edu
Southeast Arkansas College
Location: Pine Bluff, AR
CPI Director: Lisa Gober
Phone: 870-543-5969
Email: lgober@seark.edu
Southern Arkansas University Tech
Location: Camden, AR
CPI Director: LaTonya Reed
Phone: 870-574-4704
Email: lreed@sautech.edu
University of Arkansas Community College at Rich Mountain
Location: Mena, AR
CPI Director: Becky Sterner
Phone: 479-394-7622 x 1451
Email: rsterner@uarichmountain.edu
University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College
Location: North Little Rock, AR
CPI Director: Lisa Murray
Phone: 501-771-6090
Email: lmurray@uaptc.edu
University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville
Location: Batesville, AR
CPI Director: Shaneka Brandon
Phone: 870-612-2112
Email: Shaneka.Brandon@uaccb.edu
University of Arkansas Community College at Hope-Texarkana
Location: Hope, AR
CPI Director: Sonya Thomas
Phone: 870-722-8527
Email: Sonya.thomas@uaht.edu
University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton
Location: Morrilton, AR
CPI Director: Teresa Cash
Phone: 501-977-2186
Email: cash@uaccm.edu
University of Arkansas at Monticello
College of Technology - Crossett
Location: Crossett, AR
CPI Director: Teresa Tolliver
Phone: 870-460-2032
Email: tolliver@uamnt.edu
University of Arkansas at Monticello
College of Technology -McGehee
Location: McGehee, AR
CPI Director: Carla Curtis-McFadden
Phone: 870-460-2102
Email: curtis-mcfadden@uamont.edu